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 关于母爱的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
1、mothers love  我早上起床晚了,所以没来得及喂猫就上学去了。当我下午放学回家时,猫都快要饿死了。它们围着我“喵喵”地叫着要饭吃。我拿出一条鱼扔过去。我想看看谁先……
 有关朋友的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
有关朋友的英语作文 精彩句子抢先看  1、for this reason, i have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console ……
 有关名人的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
雷鋒的事迹lei feng was a model soldier, on december 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a l……
 英语作文 我的妈妈  [2011-03-29]
英语作文 妈妈 精彩句子抢先看  1、i have bought food that i hope will please my mother, and that will be easy for h……
 关于雷锋精神的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
teacher esteemed and beloved , beloved schoolmates: everybody be fine! today i ask the examination q……
 关于描写莫奈和莫奈作品的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
my idol  monet, claude (b. nov. 14, 1840, paris, fr.--d. dec. 5, 1926, giverny) french painter, init……
 关于写姚明的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
关于写姚明的英语作文  内容包括:  1. 姚明出生在上海,身高2.25米.  2. 9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入nba打球.  3. 爱好:玩电脑游戏  4. 对人礼貌友好,是青少年……
 关于i love my mother的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
关于i love my mother的英语作文  i love my mother 我爱我的母亲  people always say that living is like acting and e……
 关于我最喜欢的学科的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
关于我最喜欢的学科的英语作文  1.写清最喜欢的学科  2.为什么你最喜欢这个学科?我最喜欢的课程(my favourite lesson)  我的名字叫 sally,今年12岁。我再新动小学就读。 ……
 关于体育人物的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
刘翔是中国再国际运动届成功的标志。  liu xiang is a symbol of chinas international sporting success.he is well known a……
 描写人物的英语作文 成年男人  [2011-03-29]
 描写妈妈的英语作文 我的妈妈吗  [2011-03-29]
描写妈妈的英语作文 我的妈妈吗  my mother       my mother’s name is nancy.  she has ……
 描写老师的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
描写老师的英语作文  miss li is my chinese teacher . she is about thirty years old . she is very pretty and yo……
 描写人物外貌的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
(一)i think she is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. 我认为她是我见过的女孩中最漂亮的一个,she is exciting, amaz……
 人物描写的英语作文 素材  [2011-03-29]
人物描写的英语作文 素材  1.表达人物兴趣和爱好的常用词组或短语:  like ------very much   非常喜欢------   &nb……
 我的english作文  [2011-03-29]
e度作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载  my classmate   my classmate name is he kaifan. he has a big eye, short hair ,……
 三年级英语作文:our teacher  [2011-03-29]
        teacher a very great jod。i want to be a teacher too。   o……
 三年级英语作文:my friend and i  [2011-03-29]
        my name is li baoling . i have a good friend . her name ……
 一年级英语作文:who am i  [2011-03-29]
        hello! my name is feifei. my mother is very beautiful. m……
 二年级英语作文:mr. wang  [2011-03-29]
        mr. wang is my pe teacher. he is very tall and strong. h……
 三年级英语作文:my favorite teacher  [2011-03-29]
        everyone has his favorite teacher ,so do i. my favourite……
 二年级英语作文:myself  [2011-03-29]
        my name is wu yuwei .i’m 13 years old. i’m a……
 如何庆祝父亲节  [2011-03-29]
  父亲节就快到了。你准备怎样为自己的父亲庆祝这个节日呢?   father's day cards (父亲节贺卡)   cards are a great way to tell yo……

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