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 where does a person stay for the longest time in his life?  [2011-10-22]
where does a person stay for the longest t……
 why does toms mother go to work by plane every day?  [2011-10-22]
why does toms mother go to work by plane e……
 what man can not live inside a house?  [2011-10-22]
what man can not live inside a house? ……
 what match cant be put in a match box?  [2011-10-22]
what match cant be put in a match box?&nbs……
 儿童英语谜语  [2011-10-22]
1. what room has no walls, no doors, no wi……
 what is it,which will tomorrow and was be yesterday?  [2011-10-22]
what is it,which will tomorrow and was be ……
 小学生英语谜语  [2011-10-22]
1. what is clean when it is black and dirt……
 英语谜语(50条)  [2011-10-22]
 1. what is clean when it is black an……
 搞笑的英语谜语  [2011-10-22]
61. what has cities with no houses, rivers……
 一个简单的英语谜语  [2011-10-22]
一个简单的英语谜语what has many teeth but never use……
 26个字母其中abc从外星球来到地球请问还有几个字母  [2011-10-22]
26个字母其中abc从外星球来到地球请问还有几个字母  &nbs……
 英语谜语(天气)  [2011-10-22]
what can hear without ears and answer with……
 徐州万人相亲圣诞晚会明星荟萃,门票争相订购中  [2011-10-22]
时        间:2……
 what is that which has no leg but a body and a long neck?  [2011-10-22]
what is that which has no leg but a body a……
 what part of london is in brazil?  [2011-10-22]
what part of london is in brazil? &nb……
 what is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody  [2011-10-22]
what is that you ought to keep after you g……
 when is it correct to say "i is"?  [2011-10-22]
when is it correct to say "i is"……
 what is that which has a mouth,but never speaks, and a bed,  [2011-10-22]
what is that which has a mouth,but never s……
 what two things cant you have for breakfast?  [2011-10-22]
what two things cant you have for breakfas……
 what do most gardeners not like to grow?  [2011-10-22]
what do most gardeners not like to grow?&n……

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