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初一下册英语作文 it is time for sports
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it is time  for  sports

it is about half past four.it is time for sport.the students are on the playground.

they are playing a football match.lidong is one of them.he is good at football.he plays well.he is on the school football team.lidong says,"i like playing football.it is my favourite sport."lidong's friends,panchen and wanghaisay,"he's a football fan.ronaldo is his favourite player."

look at the boys around the basketball court.many boys are watching a basketball match.the tall boy,tanglin,is very good at playing basketball.he is very fast and he plays well.many of his friends say,"he is a good basketball player.his favourite basketball player is yaoming.his team is sure to win.

i hope they can be the good players of our country,too.



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