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致一位年轻诗人的信letters to a young poet(1)
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let in none of the world's sound - wouldn't you still have your childhood, that jewel beyond all price, that treasure house of memories? turn your attention to it. try to raise up the sunken feelings of this enormous past; your personality will grow stronger, your solitude will expand and become a place where you can live in the twilight, where the noise of other people passes by, far in the distance. and if out of , this turning within, out of this immersion in your own world, poems come, then you will not think of asking anyone whether they are good or not. nor will you try to interest magazines in these works: for you will see them as your dear natural possession, a piece of your life, a voice from it. a work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. that is the only way one can judge it. so, dear sir, i can't give you any advice but this: to go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows; at its source you will find the answer to, the

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