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  大家对网络博客的认识 写作语句 web logs 网络与博客

  1、but many teens say the journals are a great way to express their creativity. they maintain that a ban on blogging violates (违反) their right to free speech.言论自由

  2、“you shouldn’t post private information about yourself, and you don’t have the right to post someone else’s secrets,”不能暴露他人隐私

  3、“kids are going to argue that these blogs are part of their private lives. and that’s the point: they aren’t private at all.” 孩子认为博客是隐私的,但是博客不是。

  4、“if it is not endangering another individual ... schools should have no control over it whatever,”

    instead of passing notes in class, teens are now sharing information on their web logs, or blogs. a study showed that one in five teens in america has a blog, and about twice as many read them.(5个青少年里有1个写博客,阅读博客者则是这个数字的两倍)

        but some schools have prohibited (禁止) s

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