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 去上海旅游  [2011-03-28]
    i took a trip to shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. it took us……
 再见 祝你好运  [2011-03-28]
   my father is leaving haimen. this morning, i would like to stay at home until he went o……
 生日是怎么过的?  [2011-03-28]
    chinese students celebrate their birthdays in different ways.  but the most ……
 我的梦想  [2011-03-28]
    have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal……
 我爱我的家  [2011-03-28]
 万圣节英语作文(初中)  [2011-03-28]
     halloween is a western festival. it’s on oct.31st. it’s a happy……
 给父亲的贺卡  [2011-03-28]
【写作说明】  根据提示信息,写一张母亲节贺卡。  【信息提示】  wang ping: what day is it tomorrow, do you know?  zhang hua: oh, i……
 有关英语讲座  [2011-03-28]
 在图书馆读书的感觉  [2011-03-28]
    generally speaking, a library is a very quiet place. in a library, i can better c……
 中国的家庭生活  [2011-03-28]
    i live with my father and mother in a very big house in dongguan. my parents are ……
 jane的国庆节之行  [2011-03-28]
    请根据提示信息,用80词左右的短文描写简(jane)在国庆节的北京之行。  6-day tour to beijing with parents  dates: ……
 乒乓王子孔令辉  [2011-03-28]
 你的周末生活  [2011-03-28]
    假设你是林梅,你的英国笔友dave来信询问你的周末生活。请按以下要点给他回信。  要点: 1. 你通常是如何过周末的;  2. 你上周的周末生活。  提示: 1.……
 做三明治的过程  [2011-03-28]
 国庆节英语作文(初中)  [2011-03-28]
    it is known to everyone: oct,1st is our national day. at this day i went to stree……
 给bill的小建议  [2011-03-28]
 bill的生活习惯  [2011-03-28]
    1.假如bill是你的好朋友。请写一篇短文介绍他的生活与饮食习惯。  要求: 1. 词数在70左右;      2. 须出现的词汇:……
 an old pear tree  [2011-03-28]
    there was an old pear tree in a man’s garden. in the past the tree fruited ……
 christmas day  [2011-03-28]
    ah! christmas morning! children like to wake up early while it’s still dark……
 a park near my home  [2011-03-28]
    there was a park near my home. but i didn’t go there very often. many peopl……
 books and i are good friends  [2011-03-28]
    books and i are good friends.      when i was very young, i could ……
 a meaningful mid-autumn day  [2011-03-28]
    mid-autumn day is one of the important traditional festivals with beautiful tales……
 life in the dormitory  [2011-03-28]
    there are two dormitories(宿舍) for our class’s boys. i live in 2110.   ……
 the most beautiful memory  [2011-03-28]
    my grandma lived in the country twelve years ago. at that time, i often went to v……
 my holiday  [2011-03-28]
    this holiday my sister and i went to shanghai. my sister had just graduated and s……
 my experience with foreign coins  [2011-03-28]
    someone often asks me, “what’s your hobby? do you like collecting sta……
 my old house  [2011-03-28]
    i lived in a small village before i was ten. then my father found a job in a city……
 my trip to america  [2011-03-28]
    on july 19, 2002, i received an invitation from the city of danbury inviting me t……
 network  [2011-03-28]
    nowadays the computer is becoming more and more important in our life. wow, you c……
 collection  [2011-03-28]
    different people have different hobbies. some like singing, some like playing and……
 残奥会英语作文 1(初中)  [2011-03-28]
    the opening ceremony of the paralympic games was held on september 6th.i think it……
 初中暑假英语周记 1  [2011-03-28]
初中暑假英语周记 1  ①dear john brown,  how’s it going? i’m zhang hua. i’m a student in no.……
 初中暑假英语周记 2  [2011-03-28]
初中暑假英语周记 2  ②  everyone always has a good sunday. on sundays, everybody does some things what he lik……
 初中暑假英语周记 3  [2011-03-28]
③  a present for mother’s birthday  everyone should give his mother a present when his mother&……
 初中暑假英语周记 4  [2011-03-28]
④  there are a great number of subjects in school. different subjects teach students different knowl……

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