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 英语范文:如果我是世博会的志愿者  [2011-03-29]
  i would like to be a volunteer of expo 2010 in shanghai in my spare time. my reasons are as follo……
 英语作文:迎接世博会的到来  [2011-03-29]
  throughout its existence of more than 150 years, the expo will bring new knowledge from a specifi……
 上海世博会the shanghai world expo  [2011-03-29]
  i’m angela zhang from class 4 grade 8. today, my topic is, “the shanghai world expo&r……
 玉树地震英语作文 可用的句子集锦  [2011-03-29]
  when you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping ……
 中国地震捐款倡议书(中英文)  [2011-03-29]
  中国地震捐款倡议书   全体在澳的中国留学生同学们   2008年5月12日下午14时28分,四川省汶川县发生7.8级地震,现已造成上万伤亡。突如其来的灾难给灾区人民带来了极大的痛苦. 作为一名……
 玉树地震英语作文 谈感想(中英文)  [2011-03-29]
  in fact, we have always cry from the earthquake that moment, we have always cry from the first to……
 玉树地震英语作文 地震无情人有情  [2011-03-29]
  home to a strong earthquake, the people working outside xinjirufen. their first thought is that t……
 玉树地震英语作文-我的亲身经历  [2011-03-29]
  i was a child aba, examinations of the chengdu university of the southwest university of finance ……
 玉树地震英语作文:earthquake in china  [2011-03-29]
  strong earthquake hits china   a powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 has hit china's southern p……
 地震素材:关注地震 学习英语  [2011-03-29]
 地震作文:为四川汶川哀悼作文  [2011-03-29]
  wenchuan, is the name of each of us.   you yuan in the sound of the whistle chuishou mime legisla……
 地震作文:我们是强者,是命运的主人  [2011-03-29]
  earthquake   kuanghou the devil,   dark, horror, grief, despair ,,,,,,   it caving in to people i……
 地震英语作文:总理您别哭  [2011-03-29]
  premier wen jiabao, earthquake relief in the frontline commander-in-chief, a session of more than……
 地震作文:全国哀悼日 我们化悲痛为力量  [2011-03-29]
 地震作文:what is earthquake?  [2011-03-29]
  an earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the earth's crust that creates s……
 地震作文:yushu earthquake  [2011-03-29]
  青海省位于青藏高原的东北部,由欧亚板块与印度板块碰撞形成……。   qinghai lies in the northeastern part of the tibe……
 世界杯英文介绍  [2011-03-29]
  world cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each hel……
 南非世界杯主办城市介绍之约翰内斯堡  [2011-03-29]
  2010年南非世界杯即将拉开帷幕,各参赛队伍整装待战,主办城市也焕然一新,迎接五湖四海的球迷的到来。今天,小编为您简要介绍一下主办城市之一的约翰内斯堡,希望大家在娱乐中也能学到知识,有所收获。 ……
 足球英语:你支持哪个队?  [2011-03-29]
  2010年世界杯开赛在即,关于足球的讨论空前高涨,首当其冲的话题自然是对各个球队的态度了。咱们今天就说说“支持某个队”的英文表达。   a: the opening m……
 南非世界杯主办城市介绍之德班  [2011-03-29]
  the city of durban, or ethekwini, is a place of fusion. it is the largest city in the kwazulu-nat……
 足球中的“帽子戏法”英语怎么说?  [2011-03-29]
 用英语表达比赛中的胜负积分  [2011-03-29]
  随着世界杯临近,想必各位球迷都开始摩拳擦掌、跃跃欲试地要看球赛了吧!不过在比赛当中出现的赛况报道、那些奇怪、让人摸不着头脑的缩写,你都知道是什么意思吗?我们看到的积分榜上通常都会这么写:   ……
 看世界杯必知的足球英语(soccer terms)  [2011-03-29]
  soccer terms足球英语   world cup世界杯   fifa(federation internationale de football   association国际足联……
 英语作文:playing football  [2011-03-29]
  one day, the weather was fine. siu-ming and a group of small partners into a green lawn for socce……
 关于足球的初中英语作文  [2011-03-29]
  【习作要求】   马虎搞到两张全兴队对国安队的足球比赛入场券。他电话通知好友赵华洋,约他放学后在新华公园门口碰头,一起吃晚饭,然后去看球赛。二人在饭店美美吃了一顿,到付账时马虎才发现自己把钱夹……
 中考英语作文:a football fan  [2011-03-29]
  mr. li is a good friend of mine. he is a p.e. teacher. he likes football very much. he will watch……
 初中英语作文:football  [2011-03-29]
  football is connected with the people throughout the world.it has become a part of people's l……
 小学升初中作文:我们去玩足球  [2011-03-29]
  afrer a whole day's hard studing, i fell very tierd and want to go out to play football for f……
 中考英语作文:a football game  [2011-03-29]
  yesterday was the ninth day of the world cup. there was a football match between china and brazil……
 英语写作范文:养老“足球赛”  [2011-03-29]
     writing (图画提纲式议论文)   directions: write an essay of 160 - 200 words based on the following dr……
 talking about the football game  [2011-03-29]
  请根据下面的提示,写一段题为“谈论足球比赛”的对话,词数100-120。   星期天helen邀请henry出去吃午饭,顺便看几个朋友。henry不愿错过当天华盛顿和纽……
 2010年世界杯英语作文  [2011-03-29]
  要写出自己喜欢的球队   为什么喜欢这球队,介绍这球队拿过哪些奖项   喜欢世界杯的主题曲   为什么喜欢这主题曲,简述其内容   结尾要积极向上的   the world cup is he……
 the importance of individual in football team  [2011-03-29]
  the importance of individual in football team   being the most titled football team at internati……
 高中英语作文:i love football  [2011-03-29]
  for each person campaign is very important. as the saying goes: life is movement. for example on ……
 the world cup football final  [2011-03-29]
  the commentator was watching the world cup football final between england and west germany.it see……

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