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 劳动节英语作文:你怎么样度过“五一节”的  [2011-03-29]
你怎么样度过“五一节”的on monday, i went bbq with my classmates who threw a celebration party at ou……
 关于取消五一黄金周的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
as we all know, lately the national peoples congress has passed several significant perposals, inclu……
 五一假期英语作文:五一见闻  [2011-03-29]
五一见闻根据自己的所见所感,写一篇关于“五一见闻”的英语作文。this years winter vacation to return to returning to the ……
 关于母亲节的英语作文  [2011-03-29]
关于母亲节的英语作文关于母亲节由来和发展的议论文。orginate in america in the mothers festival. may 9,1906, american consuming……
 母亲节英语作文:我的母亲my mother  [2011-03-29]
母亲节就要来了,按照内容要求,写一篇以“我的母亲”为题,120~140词的英语作文。1. 你母亲是个农村妇女,50多岁,没上过学,但懂得年轻人掌握知识的重要性,她很关心你的学习……
 关于母亲节的叙事英语作文:今天是母亲节  [2011-03-29]
 五一劳动节英语作文:我和母亲的五一节  [2011-03-29]
五一劳动节就要到了,你在五一劳动节做了哪些事情?写一篇100-120字左右的英语作文。may first is a sunday. and it is the labor’s day. m……
 母亲节作文:我的母亲my mother  [2011-03-29]
my mother【我的母亲】my mother is sixty-three years old, and for the last forty year she has been the vill……
 关于母亲节的英语作文:妈妈的花园my mother’s garden  [2011-03-29]
my mother’s garden【妈妈的花园】my mother is very good at raising plants and flowers.we have plants a……
 关于父亲节的英语作文:我的爸爸my father!  [2011-03-29]
英语命题作文:父亲节就要到了,请写一篇以“我的父亲”为题的英语作文。my fatherthere is always a brilliant image living in m……
 父亲节英语作文:祝爸爸父亲节快乐!  [2011-03-29]
祝福父亲节快乐的英语作文父亲节就要到了,英语网祝福天下所有的父亲节日快乐!happy fathers day,dad。为此我们精心挑选了一篇祝福父亲节快乐的英语书信作文,希望对大家的英语学习有帮助!d……
 父亲节英语作文范文:我的爸爸  [2011-03-29]
人物描写:父亲节到了,下面这篇是描写爸爸的英语作文,欢迎同学们学习。my fatherif someone asks me who affects me most in my life, i will……
 关于父亲节的由来:父亲节英语议论文  [2011-03-29]
关于父亲节(fathers day)fathers day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday i……
 高中英语作文:如何处理亚健康  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语言通顺,值得推荐。how to deal with sub-health  with the acceleration of global modernization, peopl……
 高中英语作文:忙碌的一个月  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语言流利,值得推荐,尤其是过渡句的应用。a busy month  it’s in april now. this mouth may be the busiest on……
 高中英语作文:残疾人应享有的权利  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语句通顺,值得推荐,尤其是过渡句的运用。 字串5the disabled should have equal rights  people who live with disabil……
 高考英语:西藏少数民族  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语言流利,值得推荐,尤其是过渡句的运用。the tibetan minority  as it is known to us all, there are 55 minority g……
 高中英语:疲劳与休息  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文语句通顺,语言流利,值得借鉴。fatigue and rest   they get home from school they want to run out to play... not ……
 高中英语作文:我难忘的旅行  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语句流畅,值得推荐。  my unforgettable trip    when i was a primary school student, my family and i t……
 高中英语:互联网对儿童来说是危险的  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语言流利,值得推荐,尤其是过渡句的运用。is the internet dangerous to children  as far as i know,nowadays many s……
 高中英语作文:我的座右铭  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语言流利,值得推荐。my motto  do you know what mottos are?they are things people say that have a spec……
 高考英语:在你心目中,什么才是美  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文,条理清晰,语言流利,值得推荐,尤其是过渡句的应用。what is beauty in your mind?  everyone admires beauty. everyone has hi……
 高中英语作文:上大学是唯一的出路吗  [2011-03-29]
 这篇作文语言流利,条理清晰,谚语的应用,值得大家借鉴。is it the only way out to go to college  we had a discussion about ……
 高中英语作文:最好的旅游方式  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文语句通顺,条理清晰,观点明确,值得推荐。the best way of traveling  people travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus……
 高中英语作文:大量的作业  [2011-03-29]
这篇文章语言流利,语句通顺,关键词用的非常好,值得借鉴。heavy schoolwork   in my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned……
 高中英语作文:北京奥运会  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语言流畅,很值得借鉴,尤其是定语从句的运用。 olympic games in beijing  what a great olympic games!  the 29th……
 高中英语作文:可持续发展  [2011-03-29]
这篇作文条理清晰,语句通顺,值得推荐,尤其是连词的运用。sustainable development  the idea of sustainable development has been ac……
 高中英语作文:钱可以买到幸福吗?  [2011-03-29]
这篇文章观点独特,内容新颖,值得借鉴。文章通篇语句通顺流利,是一篇好文章。can money buy happiness        no……
 高中英语作文:母亲的眼睛(my mothers eyes)  [2011-03-29]
这篇文章很多小,但却表现出孩子与母亲之间的深深的爱,浓浓的情。   my mothers eyes(母亲的眼睛)  my mother has a pair of keen eyes (很生动啊!)w……
 高中生优秀英语作文:巨大的水果蛋糕  [2011-03-29]
youll need the following: a cup of water, a cup of sugar, four large eggs, two cups of dried fruit, ……
 高中英语作文:分担家务  [2011-03-29]
i used to be a lazy boy. i had never done any housework before.but now everything has changed. on th……
 高中英语作文:保护大熊猫  [2011-03-29]
the giant panda is known as the national treasure of china. the panda was a kind of ordinary animal ……
 高中生英语作文:怎样能够强身健体  [2011-03-29]
       with the improvement of peoples material conditions, people hav……
 高中生英语作文:如何有效沟通  [2011-03-29]
       communication plays a significant role in our daily life, espec……
 高中英语作文:生活另一面  [2011-03-29]
        if i had my life to live over...i would have talked less ……

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